Take 2023 Higher with this Astrological Forecast for Every Sign

By Karlina Guerra 

Astrologers who monitor the cosmos for clues about the course of world events are likely to see astrology’s surge in popularity over the last decade in correlation with expanded access to cannabis as no mere coincidence. Could there be any clearer prelude to 2020’s Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius?

Yet astrology's fixation on the distant cosmos has long been estranged from the earthly concerns of cannabis culture—at least, until recently. In the spirit of Pluto’s upcoming ingress into Aquarius, here is the 2023 astrological forecast for stoners of each sign.  

To see what may lie in store for you in 2023, read according to your rising sign first, then your sun sign and lastly, your moon sign. General readings like this paint a broad strike vision of the future, but how things play out, of course, depends on your personal placements, 

While astrology provides a helpful roadmap for how to navigate your everyday life, it’s by no means deterministic. You have free will. As any ethical member of the spiritual community will tell you, take what served you and leave whatever does not. 

ARIES (March 21 - April 19) 

Hey there, Aries. Jupiter moved into your first house last month, where it will stay until May. 

When the planet of luck and abundance occupies the house of self, natives are more likely to throw caution to the wind. 

Major transformations brought about by April and October’s eclipse season in your sign will probably not make it any easier for you to blast through life in the way you normally do.   

Tools like STIIIZY’s Portable Power Case can be especially helpful for making sure you don’t run out of juice in the most crucial moments. 

One bright blue power case from STIIIZY to keep you charged.

STIIIZY - Portable Power Case 

$40 /  One power case that holds one STIIIZY starter kit and up to two pods, with a magnetic USB adapter

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

Dear Taurus, if you're tired from all the major changes this last year brought to your personal identity and one-on-one relationships, you're in luck! 

A much-needed surge of relief is in store for you these coming months once the eclipses glide into your twelfth and sixth houses. When the north and south nodes respectively move into the twelfth house of dreams, intuition and shadow work, and the sixth house of health, routine and everyday wellness, the u

Chill out and luxuriate in this well-deserved break Taurus-style with, what else, but a dark chocolate bar from Kiva. 

One dark chocolate bar from Kiva, rich and creamy.

Kiva - Dark Chocolate Bar 

$22 / one dark chocolate bar with 100mg THC total 

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

It may not feel like the most dynamic start to the year for you, Gemini, as a result of Mars retrograding in your sign for the first two weeks of January at the same time as your ruling planet, Mercury, also retrograding. 

But with Jupiter in Aries until May and the next eclipse cycle in March taking place along your 11th and 5th house axis, 2023 shows you having an even busier social calendar than you normally do. 

Remember to avoid overdoing it by scheduling time to sleep. These sublingual Shut Eye slips from Kin will ensure a night full of Zs, which you could use regardless of what the cosmos hold in store for you. 

A tin of sublingual slips promising Shut Eye from Kin Slips.

Kin Slips - Sublingual Shut Eye

$49 / 10 sublingual slips with 5mg CBN 5mg CBD 

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

Oh, Cancer, Mars has been in your 12th house since August, and retrograding for an unusually long time. These last few months may have felt like wading through mud trying to get projects completed, let alone off the ground. 

Thankfully, things will start to feel clearer by the end of March, when Mars finally enters your first house.

Jupiter’s course through Aries will bring career matters to the front in the first half of the year, before community and friendships start to take over your attention from May onwards. 

Eclipses taking place in angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) promise to rock the boat a little. We recommend leaning on this mood relief tincture formulated to support you through the cycles of your ruling planet (the moon). 

One pink box and tincture bottle of Mood Magic monthly reliever drops from Yummy Karma.

Yummi Karma - Mood Magic 

$30 / 30ml tincture with 300mg THC total 


LEO (July 23 - August 22)

Most notable for you, Leo, is Saturn’s exit from your seventh house of relationships and entrance into your eighth house of shared resources and rebirth in March. 

What this means is your leonine predilection for gregariousness might be a tad scaled back over the next two years (dependent on your other personal placements, of course).

Jupiter’s sprint through your ninth house of education and philosophy in the spring, followed by your tenth house of career for the rest of the year, will bring a flurry of activity on the professional front. 

Multitask with these fresh, aromatic tonics from Cann–or keep them on hand for the long conversations at smaller, intimate gatherings you’ll have with close friends throughout the year.

One glorious can of Golden Citrus Bark infused tonic from Cann.

Cann - Social Tonic Lite - Golden Citrus Bark 

$24 / 6-Pack of sparkling tonics with 2mg THC and 4mg CBD each

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo, you’ve probably spent the last few years honing in on your everyday workout routines and diets as Saturn moved through your sixth house of wellness and, according to some astrologers, pets. 

Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius in this house promises a transformative year, and in some cases, a companion who will change the course of your life for the next decade or so. 

As the proud parent of a certified velcro dog, celebrate those small moments together with Caliva’s Dogwalkers - the perfect size for a tail-wagging sniff around the block. 

Caliva's Dogwalkers pack of 4 hybrid preroll.

Caliva - Dogwalkers 4-Pack 

$15 / 4-pack of mini pre-rolls with 0.3g hybrid flower each

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22) 

Big changes are ahead for your relationships this year, Libra! 

For those of you who are single and looking, Jupiter’s travel through your 7th house of one on one relationships until May promises an expansive time for your friendships and more intimate encounters. 

Saturn’s slow transit through your sixth house of health in March overlaps with Jupiter’s transit through Aries for only a couple months, meaning you’ll be a little more health conscious around casual relationships than usual. This may bring up some awkward back and forth when Mercury retrogrades mid April to early May that, as a Libra, will take you out of your comfort zone. But once Jupiter enters Taurus and sextiles Saturn in Pisces, conversations around shared resources and intimacy will be much more harmonious.

We’d recommend playing it safe and sensual with this water-based and latex-safe infused lube from Kush Queen. 

One sleek black matte bottle of THC lube from Kush Queen - latex safe!

Kush Queen - Personal Lubricant Pride Edition

$40 / 1oz water-based lubricant with quick-absorbing 30mg THC 


SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio, after the dramatic upheavals in your love life in 2022, you can expect a respite on that end, and instead, a busy year ahead in your line of everyday work.

The eclipses in April are likely to bring even more transformations when it comes to your health and daily routines. 

Keep this soothing roll-on on hand in case you encounter any injuries while on the go. It’s not the sexiest item a Scorpio can own, but to be forewarned is to be forearmed, etc.

One cooling roll-on from High Gorgeous, aptly titled Ice Queen.

High Gorgeous - Ice Queen Cooling Roll-On  

$32 / 3oz roll-on with 150mg THC and 300mg CBD  

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

The theme of this year for you, Sagittarius, is:  work hard, play hard. 

As Jupiter moves through your fifth house of creativity and fun—and, in some cases, children—in the first half of the year, it will overlap with Saturn’s ingress into your fourth house of home. 

Whereas Jupiter tends to expand opportunities, Saturn is the planet associated with discipline and restrictions meaning you may put more effort into running a tighter ship at home than usual. 

The combination sometimes results in a push and pull between two opposition energies but in this case, you’ll probably make the most out of your weekends outside the home. 

Whenever your ruling planet transits this area of life, things tend to get spicier–if somewhat more chaotic. 

Make the most of this once-in-twelve years transit with these convenient Petra Mints from Kiva – they’ll keep the Sagittarius’ signature philosophizing both fresh and flirty.

One tin of Moroccan Mint infused Petra mints from Kiva.

Kiva Petra Mints - Moroccan Mint 

$20 / 40 mints with 2.5mg THC each 

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

After two years with your nose to the ground at work, Capricorn, your attention will now be redirected by Saturn taking its disciplining transit through your house of communication and immediate surroundings. 

Less scheming in the office, and more neighborly interactions to finesse are ahead. March and May are ripe for intimacy and romance for you, as Mars, then Venus, enter your 7th House of partnership. 

For the Zodiac’s resident CEO, we recommend these pre-roll loosies from Monogram to keep your head and aesthetic cool. 

One sleek container of Monogram's Loosies in No.03 [Heavy]

MONOGRAM Loosies - No.03 [Heavy]

$40 / 4-pack of pre-rolls with 0.4g premium flower each

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

Saturn finally leaves your sign this March, allowing a bit of relief—which you may need right before Pluto makes its initial move into your sign around that time. 

This is a major astrological event that astrologers have been fretting over for some time, but Aquarians and their famously icy disposition have all the means at their disposal to handle it—whatever this enormously transformative period may bring. 

Taurus’ last eclipse in your fourth house spells a potential major move in the springtime, so it would be wise for any major investments to be portable. 

With that in mind, we’d recommend this Proxy Vaporizer from Puffco, which also satisfies the Aquarian’s attraction for tech-y futuristic gadgets that mystify the rest of the Zodiac. 

Proxy, an all-included vaporizer set, from Puffco.

Puffco - Proxy Vaporizer

$300 /  One portable, modular glass vaporizer 

PISCES (February 19 - 20)

Pisces, Jupiter occupies your second house of money until May, when it starts expanding the area of your life concerning everyday communication and relationships with those immediately surrounding you.  

Saturn’s ingress into your sign may bring a little more discipline into your area of self-presentation, while the eclipses in the spring and fall have the potential to introduce considerable change to your income streams. 

This classy little number from Pure Beauty will help you power through all the opportunities the universe is going to throw your way. 

One carton of Pure Beauty's Babies (pre-rolls) with hybrid flower.

Pure Beauty - Preroll Babies (Hybrid Blend)

$42 / 10 mini pre-rolls with 3.5oz flower total

Karlina Guerrais a writer who lives in Los Angeles with her temperamental chihuahua. You can reach her by e-mail at guerraguerraguerra@proton.me.

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