Cannabis-native Acapulco Gold terpenes and Liquid Trichomes™, then lightly carbonated and canned, HVY 25 mocktails are perfect for lifting your spirits, without actually being one. -- Available as four different lifted libations: HVY Seltzer, HVY Mule, HVY Marg, and HVY Tonic. Unapologetically non-alcoholic. -- With a hint of lime and a splash of ginger, this spicy and bold cannabis infused mocktail is a mule that definitely kicks back. -- Best served chilled or over ice. 355 ML (12 FL OZ) | 25mg THC
This product can expose you to chemicals including β-myrcene
and cannabis smoke, which are known to the State of
California to cause cancer, and chemicals including cannabis
smoke and 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which are known to the
State of California to cause birth defects or other
reproductive harm.